Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 for Windows Readme


  1. Introduction
  2. Post-installation tasks
  3. Supplied Components
  4. What's New
  5. Supported 3rd party components
  6. Known Problems and Limitations
  7. Related documentation
  8. Contact Information

1. Introduction

Thank you for choosing of Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 for Windows. This file contains information that supplements the Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 for Windows documentation such as information on new features, corrected bugs, known problems etc. This file was updated with the latest information available at release time.

2. Post-installation tasks

After you have installed Parallels Pro Control Panel , you need to perform the following tasks using the instructions given in the installation and upgrade guide:

  1. Install the Parallels Pro Control Panel online Help on the server.
  2. Log in to the Parallels Pro Control Panel as the server administrator to begin using Parallels Pro Control Panel.
  3. (Optional) Install the add-ons for ColdFusion MX, Urchin, IMail, and MySQL.

You can find documentation at

3. Supplied Components

Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 for Windows distribution package ships the following components:

4. What's New

  1. [+] Introduced new Parallels style default pages.

  2. [+] PHP updated to 4.4.8.

  3. [-] Fixed an issue with impossibility to disable Site Default Template.

  4. [-] Fixed some noncritical errors related to System.Threading.ThreadAbortException.


[+] new feature

[-] bug fixed or removed

[*] bug fixed and improvement made

5. Supported third-party components

  1. ColdFusion MX 6.1
  2. Webalizer 2.01
  3. ImageMagick 5.5.7
  4. Urchin 5.x
  5. IMail 8.21

Power Tools:

  1. Gallery Photo Album Management System 1.4.1
  2. PhpBB Bulletin Board 2.0.6
  3. WordPress Weblog 1.0
  4. DotNetNuke 4.4.1
  5. Community Server 2.1

6. Known Problems and Limitations

  1. While deleting a site provisioned with Community Server and DotNetNuke Power Tools, you may intermittently see the following error message on the Action Log page in the Parallels Pro Control Panel:

    "Warning: Powertools destroy failed: The directory is not empty."

    This error message is displayed if some Power Tool-related files are locked while the site is being deleted. Due to this, the site's file system is not deleted completely during the site deletion process. If you now try to import this site, the import process fails since the site's file system was not deleted completely during the site deletion process.
    To resolve this issue, you need to manually delete that site's file system on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server, then import the site using the Parallels Pro Control Panel.
  2. The Set Default Permissions feature in File Manager resets all the customized permissions enabled for the site's users.
  3. IIS FTP counters do not always return proper data. As a result, FTP bandwidth usage displayed in the control panel may be inaccurate.
  4. You cannot assign SSL certificates to sub-domains of a secured site.
  5. Currently, there is no check to prevent deletion of parked domain hosts. If a parked domain host is deleted, the domains parked on it are also deleted (PR 34464).

7. Related documentation

  1. Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 for Windows 2003 Release Notes. Important information about this release, including known issues.
  2. Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 for Windows 2003 Installation and Upgrade Guide. Instructions for installing or upgrading Parallels Pro Control Panel/Ensim Pro on a standalone Windows Server 2003 server.
  3. Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 for Windows 2003 Mail API Guide. Information about using the email-related API calls for creating your own mail add-on.
  4. Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 for Windows 2003 Technical Reference Guide. Information about using Command Line Interface (CLI) calls to create, edit, view, and delete sites or resellers on Parallels Pro Control Panel/Ensim Pro.

You can find documentation at

8. Contact Information

660 SW 39th Street
Suite 205
Renton, Washington 98057

Phone: +1 (425) 282 6400
Fax: +1 (425) 282 6444


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